
意外:排名前十位的溫室氣體.doc 4頁
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The Top Ten Greenhouse Gases10. Sulfuryl FluorideThe new kid on the block, MIT scientists identified this cheETal as a greenhouse gas on March 11th, 2009. Used as a fumigant, Dow CheETals produces sulfuryl fluoride to kill termites. The cheETal, which is highly inert, has a lifetime of up to 40 years, and traps 4,800 times more heat per molecule than CO2. The cheETal only exists in 1.5 parts per trillion in the atmosphere, but according to the recent Journal of Geophysical Research, that number is going up by 5 percent a year.9. TrichlorofluoromethaneThis refrigerant has the dubious honor of contributing to warming on two fronts. Not only goes does trichlorofluoromethane retain heat 4,600 times better than carbon dioxide, but it also depletes the ozone layer faster than any other refrigerant. The high ozone-depletion rate results from trichlorofluoromethane’s tendency to shed chlorine molecules when struck with ultraviolet light. Chlorine, of course, is also a deadly toxin.8. Sulfur HexafluoridePrimarily used in the electronics industry as an insulator, this inert gas moonlights as a tracer for experiments around the wind dispersal of toxic gases during terrorist attacks. The Intergovernmental Panel of Climate Change (IPCC) deemed sulfur hexafluoride the world’s most powerful greenhouse gas, with the cheETal weighing in at a stout 22,200 times more heat trapping than CO2.7. HexafluoroethaneA cheETal used in the creation of seETonductors, hexafluoroethane is the Methuselah of greenhouse gases. While some cheETals linger in the atmosphere for mere decades, hexafluoroethane sticks around for排名前十位的溫室氣體10. 硫酰氟麻省理工學(xué)院科學(xué)家在2009年3月11日確定在銷售中的這種氣體為溫室氣體。

Dow CheETals生產(chǎn)的硫酰氟作為熏劑來殺白蟻。這是一種高度不活潑的化學(xué)藥品溫室氣體有哪些,而且可以存活40年,每個分子可以比二氧化碳可以多吸收4800倍熱量,這種化學(xué)藥品在數(shù)萬億大氣中只存在1.5部分,但根據(jù)最近的地球物理學(xué)調(diào)查報告顯示,硫酰氟的量每年增長5%。9.三氯氟甲烷這種制冷劑在全球氣候變暖兩方面上有可以的榮譽(yù)。不僅三氯氟甲烷捕捉熱量的能力比二氧化碳強(qiáng)4600倍,它比其他制冷劑消耗臭氧層更快。臭氧層消耗的很快主要是由于三氯氟甲烷在接受光照的條件下可以釋放氯氣分子。氯氣當(dāng)然也是致命的毒素。8六氟化硫六氟化硫起初在電子工業(yè)領(lǐng)域用作絕熱材料臭氧檢測儀,這個惰性氣體在測試有毒氣體在空氣中傳播的恐怖襲擊中也用作追蹤者。政府間的氣候變化委員會也認(rèn)為吸收的熱量是二氧化碳的22,200倍的六氟化硫是世界上最有力的溫室氣體7.氟代乙烷用于半導(dǎo)體生產(chǎn)的化學(xué)藥品氟代乙烷是瑪土撒拉的溫室氣體。就像其他化學(xué)藥品能在空氣中存在幾十年一樣煤氣報警器,氟代乙烷可以在大氣中存在10,000年。那么長的壽命加上他吸收熱量的能力超過二氧化碳9200倍使他10,000 years. That longevity, combined with heat retention 9,200 times greater than carbon dioxide, makes hexafluoroethane a cheETal the IPCC keeps a close eye on.6. TrifluoromethaneTrifluoromethane, also called fluoroform, serves two purposes, finding use in the etching of silicon computer chips and as a fire suppressant. By far the most abundant of the hydrofluorocarbons, trifluoromethane has an atmospheric lifetime of 260 years and traps 11,700 times as much heat as carbon dioxide.5. OzoneUsually when ozone comes up in the climate debate, the talk centers on a general lack of it. In fact, ozone is also a potent greenhouse gas. But because ozone isn’t equally distributed around the globe, we have simultaneously too much of it (man-made ozone in the lowest part of the atmosphere traps heat and warms the planet), and too little of it (fluorocarbons deplete ozone in the upper atmosphere responsible for shielding the ice caps from solar radiation).4. Nitrous OxideBy far the most fast and furious of the greenhouse gases, nitrous finds uses in rocket fuel, making cars more awesome, and as a recreational drug. However, those indulging in huffing and street racing should be aware that laughing gas ranks as the fourth leading cause of the greenhouse effect.3. MethaneThe main component of natural gas and cow farts, methane comes in as the number three worst offending greenhouse gas. The IPCC freely admits that it does not fully understand the methane cycle, and identifies methane release as coming from natural sources like swamps and termites, and from man-made sources like landfills and cow farms.2. Carbon DioxideDespite getting all the press, carbon dioxide only ranks as the second largest contributor to 成為政府間氣候變化委員會密切關(guān)注的氣體。


6.三氟甲烷三氟甲烷,也叫做三氟甲,有兩方面的作用,在蝕刻電腦硅芯片方面和燃燒的遏抑劑方面有重要作用。到目前為止,足量的碳氟化合物,三氟甲烷在大氣中可以存在260年,其捕捉到的熱量相當(dāng)于二氧化碳捕捉熱量的11700倍。5.臭氧通常情況下在關(guān)于氣候的辯論中抽樣問題常被作為談?wù)撛掝},討論的中心話題往往是臭氧的缺失。事實上,臭氧也是一種潛在的溫室氣體。但由于臭氧不是平均分配在地球上溫室氣體有哪些,我們太需要臭氧了(在大氣的最低部分的人造臭氧能夠吸收熱量使地球溫暖),但它又太少了(碳氟化合物在高空中消耗用于抵擋紫外線的臭氧)。4.一氧化氮到目前為止最飛快的溫室氣體含氮化合物在火箭燃料領(lǐng)域發(fā)現(xiàn)新的用途,使汽車更好,作為一種供娛樂的藥品。然而溫室氣體有哪些,那些沉溺于虛張聲勢和街頭飆車的人應(yīng)該意識到笑氣溫室氣體排名中處于第四位。3.甲烷天然氣和動物糞便的主要成分。甲烷以第三位最有危害的溫室氣體。政府間氣候變化專門委員會承認(rèn)甲烷的循環(huán)過程還不清楚,甲烷可以從自然資源中釋放,比如沼澤和白蟻,也可以從人造資源中產(chǎn)生,比如廢物填埋場和畜牧場。2.二氧化碳盡管各大報刊都刊登二氧化碳是第二大導(dǎo)致溫室效應(yīng)的氣體。對于那些在Al Gore殘 global warming. For those who managed to stay awake while listening to Al Gore’s relentless monotone, you can skip ahead to number one. But for all of those who drifted off, let’s reiterate that CO2 is a by-product of the combustion of fossil fuels as well as cellular respiration, and carbon dioxide generated by human industry contributes to the warming of the planet.1. Water VaporWater? Water?! Water! Yes, according to the IPCC, steam accounts for 36-70 percent of the greenhouse effect. Fog, haze and clouds are all water vapor, and steam is the other main byproduct of the combustion of fossil fuels. Worse still, warming causes a positive feedback loop as higher temperatures result in more water vapor, which results in higher temperatures, and so on and so on. Now the next time someone asks you about your carbon footprint, you can ask them about their steam footprint, and see if that patchouli-scented hippie knows the main cause behind the greenhouse effect.酷的單調(diào)的報告上保持清醒的人,你能夠提升到第一。



標(biāo)簽: 溫室氣體有哪些
  • VOC檢測儀-甲醛檢測儀-氣體報警器-氣體檢測儀廠家-深恒安科技有限公司
